Past Workshops
International Workshop on the Epigenetics of Osteoarthritis
Date: November 5-6, 2018
Location: The Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Workshop Organizers: Mary Murphy, Frank Beier, John Loughlin and Ingrid Meulenbelt
Guest Speakers: Rodrigo Coutinho De Almeida, Rik Lories, Regis O'Keefe, Louise Reynard,
Sarah Rice, Jennifer Westendorf and Gerry Wilson
Goal of Workshop:
- Focus on latest breakthroughs in the epigenetic analysis of Osteoarthritis
- Oral presentations and session moderation opportunities for early-career investigators
- Learn about recent discoveries and discuss epigenetic research

International Workshop on the Epigenetics of Osteoarthritis
Date: October 20-21, 2015
Location: Dutch Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam
Workshop Organizers: Frank Beier, John Loughlin and Ingrid Meulenbelt
Guest Speakers: Nidhi Bhutani, Louise Reynard, Andrew Skelton, Udo Oppermann, David Young,
Wouter den Hollander, and Steffen Gay
Goal of Workshop:
- Discuss the current status of Osteoarthritis epigenetic research
- Provide overviews of particular activities
- Provide guidance on particular techniques (analysis of DNA methylation arrays & RNA sequencing data)